About Me

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By day I'm a propeller-head geek. I design software for electronic components for a major automotive supplier. When I'm not earning a paycheck, I enjoy playing music -- primarily jazz and classical but I dabble in other genres as well. I also compose, arrange, and play with electronic gadgets and toys. My other hobbies include photography, colored pencil drawing, genealogy, model railroading, and crosswords.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Lunch Walk 6 Aug 2014

The weather was perfect for my walk today - partly cloudy with the temperature around 70 degrees. The clouds began to clear during the second half and I got a little direct sunlight.

Today's theme seems to be butterflies. There were quite a few fluttering about and feeding on the flowers. Monarchs in particular were plentiful.

Some of these little brown guys flitting about, not staying in one place very long. I had to be quick to get this photo.

This dragonfly was comfortable letting me get close to him.

There's a bit of graffiti along the trail, mostly on man-made structures, but this little White Birch defacement caught my eye today.

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