About Me

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By day I'm a propeller-head geek. I design software for electronic components for a major automotive supplier. When I'm not earning a paycheck, I enjoy playing music -- primarily jazz and classical but I dabble in other genres as well. I also compose, arrange, and play with electronic gadgets and toys. My other hobbies include photography, colored pencil drawing, genealogy, model railroading, and crosswords.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Lunch Walk 25 Aug 2014

The temperature was pushing 90 degrees today and the humidity was high. I was hoping to find more butterflies but there was not much activity by either insects or birds. There were the usual Common Darter Dragonflies - they seem to be as abundant an Cabbage White butterflies.

I did spot this giant grasshopper in a little clearing beside the trail. I wanted to stay with it and get more photos but the flies and bees buzzing around me were just too annoying. And the sun was beating down from a mostly clear sky.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Lunch Walk 15 Aug 2014

The weather was cool and windy today. And not a lot to photograph -- I hardly heard a peep from any birds. In a sunny little meadow near the river, I spotted a few damselflies and dragonflies. Here is an American Rubyspot Damselfly and a Common Darter Dragonfly:

On the return leg, I spotted a rather large Eastern Tiger Swallowtail. It was flapping among the flowers about 10 feet off the trail and I couldn't get any closer. This is a crop, and not exactly as sharp as I would have liked. He's also not in perfect shape as it looks like his "tails" are mostly gone.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Lunch Walk 6 Aug 2014

The weather was perfect for my walk today - partly cloudy with the temperature around 70 degrees. The clouds began to clear during the second half and I got a little direct sunlight.

Today's theme seems to be butterflies. There were quite a few fluttering about and feeding on the flowers. Monarchs in particular were plentiful.

Some of these little brown guys flitting about, not staying in one place very long. I had to be quick to get this photo.

This dragonfly was comfortable letting me get close to him.

There's a bit of graffiti along the trail, mostly on man-made structures, but this little White Birch defacement caught my eye today.