About Me

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By day I'm a propeller-head geek. I design software for electronic components for a major automotive supplier. When I'm not earning a paycheck, I enjoy playing music -- primarily jazz and classical but I dabble in other genres as well. I also compose, arrange, and play with electronic gadgets and toys. My other hobbies include photography, colored pencil drawing, genealogy, model railroading, and crosswords.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Spider and Butterfly

If you browsed my Flickr Photostream, you would find that butterflies and other insects are a favorite macro subject. There is an abundance of these critters right in my own backyard. Last night, after eating dinner on the patio, I found a spider that has built a web between the porch railing and the grill:

Then I had some fun chasing this Red Admiral butterfly around:

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