About Me

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By day I'm a propeller-head geek. I design software for electronic components for a major automotive supplier. When I'm not earning a paycheck, I enjoy playing music -- primarily jazz and classical but I dabble in other genres as well. I also compose, arrange, and play with electronic gadgets and toys. My other hobbies include photography, colored pencil drawing, genealogy, model railroading, and crosswords.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Inter-Urban Industrial Update

The IUI has been downsized to something a little more manageable for my first foray into model railroading since I was a child. My little industrial empire now fits on a two foot by four foot table top. Here's the new plan:

I've left some expansion room to the right side, where the interchange track comes in. Where I intend to place the layout in my basement, I have another seven feet of shelf space about a foot wide. I've elevated the back side about 3/4" from the front to give a little interest to the terrain but the setting is essentially urban. The yard consists of 3 sorting tracks and a RIP track, with an engine terminal off the runaround. The right side of the loop also serves as the switching lead. The short siding crossing the yard lead serves a small freight station.

I've got the base built and a layer of foam on top of that. I've test fitted the track and will be ready to lay roadbed as soon as I purchase or manufacture the 3% grade inclines on get to the back industrial area.

Photos of progess to follow soon.

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